Sunday, January 19, 2014

Quick update...

So here is where I'm at....

        I am feeling this overwhelming sense of needing to get my life in order so that I can be ready to follow God at the drop of a hat... meaning.. I am fully relying on God to help my debt situation, my job situation and my living situation.
         I'm starting to de-clutter my life.. trying to get rid of things that have held me back.. whether it is holding on to a memory of the past, or something I thought I couldn't do it's time to start rethinking these things. Objects are just that... they can be purchased again later, especially if they bring me no good use right now.
        I have felt pushed into a corner when it comes to my job situation so I'm praying that it changes, and quickly. There's only so much room to be had when it comes to the legal business that I need change. I have also felt the pinch of learning to *truly* forgive and move on. I still get upset by things certain people do to those that love me and to myself. it's hard to move past those feelings into what greater good we can be accomplishing without obstacles in the way... but still, pain is present nonetheless.
        I *LOVE* my new church. It has helped me grow and think about things in a way that I hadn't been pushed to do yet, and it's causing me to grow and really think about my relationship with Christ, rather than being complacent in what I'm doing.

So..... there's the update of the month LOL.