Saturday, November 10, 2012

Sometimes you just need to get it all out...

Sometimes you just need to get it all out...

I haven't let hardly any of it out, except to those parties that are involved...and I still don't know where I stand.
I'm being pulled in two different directions while standing still. Or maybe I'm screaming to get out while being caged in and I can't tell anyone what is happening.. who knows.
I don't know what's changed, what's the same, or where I even want this to go. So much uncertainty can make a person crazy, really.
I'm scared. Of the unknown, of the future, of making the wrong decision. How will I know if I make the right choice?? By finding out 5 years later? Since when did my life become the crazy train from ozzy?
I don't know... and that may be just the issue. My life is falling apart at the seams and I don't even know where it began. Even with less stress in some areas, I think I've just increased it in others. Muddling through the crap is where I'll be for at least the next few weeks... and hopefully I'll come out on the other side with a fresh look on how things will be.

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