Tuesday, October 4, 2011

mind wont stop working.....

It's been too long again... Sorry... life happens.

I'm in a new endeavor of doing surveillance at my work. It has been an interesting change, one that I'm not sure I like yet... but it will help with school so I at least need to put up with it until then. Also, God has wrapped his hand around us and has blessed us with increased income through the position. This is good, since Josh is about to pursue his passion of being an EMT, and will most likely be taking a pay cut in order to do so... however I think that overall, it will end up being most worth it.

School is starting to get stressful again, as it is not just school I have to deal with but a small child as well. It is definitely taking its toll on my mind and body....and my sleep schedule.

And to family. Jacqueline is getting SOOO big!! I can't believe she will be one in a month!! where did the time go? It is almost as if I feel like I've missed out on it even though I've been here the whole time..Does it ever get easier?? Will I ever feel like time isn't escaping me? Oh well.... guess I should make the best of it and enjoy every minute I can. Josh's step-dad is about to have a child of his own so it should at least be interesting to see how the babies interact :)

I have also noticed God's calling in my life is getting ever clearer. I have felt moved to send a care package to a family that I don't even know, whose child has been diagnosed with SMA type 1. It is deadly, and it is unlikely that they will be able to celebrate the 2nd birthday of their child. I want them to know that God's promise is true, and that one day there IS a better life planned for that child, it may be in heaven and not on this world, but there is a day where this child will NOT suffer. I hate to imagine what these parents and family are going through, which I guess is why I feel the need to help. I think that I am trying to make my free will behave so that I can do God's will with my life. I can't keep having what may seem as bipolar tendencies (like a shopping spree when its definitely not in the budget) when I have more important things to do.. like get out of debt so that I can eventually give money away with so much joy I can't contain myself.
I think of myself as a giver. And there is so much that I wish to do, to give and I just don't know how to go about it. So if you have any ideas ;)

But I think that is all for now... time to find some good reads before bed :)

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