Friday, July 29, 2011

lots happening

Thank God for Rain!! It was so nice to get up this morning and not feel as though I was going to have a heat stroke at 630!!!

I found out yesterday that one of my good friends has been admitted to Barnes Jewish Hospital in St. Louis. She is at the top of the transplant list. It breaks my heart to know she is going through this, but at the same time I'm glad it happened now, when she has a wonderful loving husband that is strong in the Word, and is a faithful friend and spouse. So, if you pray, please do. If not, please just think positive thoughts for her and her family.

On a little lighter note, Josh and I are so excited that we will once again be fighting our way through our debt, on our way to becomming debt free. Because of Murphy showing up last month, our savings was cleaned out, but soon that will be replenished, and we can tackle this thing with true intensity. Hopefully this time we will be able to get some good ground covered! I hope everyone has had a good week!

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