Saturday, May 25, 2013 there anybody out there?

Lately I feel like I'm seeing how fake people really are... how much of a fascade can people put on EVERY DAY and still feel like they are being themselves? I wish people would just be honest, upfront, and just say what they feel, instead of feeling like everyone needs to be politically correct about everything... in the end it just hurts people.

In other news,things are starting to gear up for summer. I've decided to run a 1/2 marathon in October... I start training Monday. I'm excited to see if I can finish this goal, to say that I've done something just for me. It's been awhile since I've ran, let along anything of measurable distance, but I'm excited to get on track with something like this. I'm trying to keep Jackie and I busy with trips to the park, and fun things to do outside. I want her to grow up knowing the fun we had versus the stress we had. I love that little girl to pieces!!

That's about all there is for today... I'll update once I finish that first training run!! HAHA

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