Thursday, June 13, 2013

Know your place... betcha it's not what you think.

Something great was shared yesterday at church about our minds getting in the way of what we're supposed to be doing in our faithworks for Christ. It opened my eyes a little to where my mind might be getting in the way of my heart, and in the way of God doing good things through me. But it also got me thinking how often do we do things that we think are God leading us, but its really what we want. And, what if God calls us to a specific group of people, and not others? Is it up to us to feel guilty for where we feel we are called? Don't get me wrong... I think that there is always more we can do, but there is a specific purpose that God has for each and every one of us. We might not be able to help every hurting child, or sick person in the world. But God may call us to help just one portion of them. Whether it be the poor in your neighborhood, or a remote villiage in Uganda... They are all God's people. Who's to say that you're not meant to only minister to a select few to begin with? Your calling may change, as God places more of His plan in front of you, but I don't think we should feel guilty at all if we KNOW where God has put us. We DO need clarity to know that we are doing things for the right reason, however. Just because someone lives in a different part of the world doesn't mean that they are any less or more worthy of being helped than any other human being. Pray for clarity in God's plan for you, so that YOU understand it.. not the world. Pray for help in acheiving the goal, as anything in God is possible.

Just something that is on my mind today as I pray myself for clarity in where He is leading me.

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