Thursday, June 6, 2013

Recoup time!

I'm back from a wonderful vacation to see my cousins who recently moved to Evansville, Indiana. It always does my heart some good when I'm able to spend time with them, not only as family, but as brothers and sisters in Christ. 

These cousins in particular have grown so much spiritually, and I can't thank God enough for putting them in my life. I have learned so much by what they've gone through, and how they chose to live their lives everyday, that I hope that one day, my life might be looked upon in the same way. It was "sorta" relaxing, as there were 4 kids under the age of four always running around entertaining us, and then us three adults. It was wonderful to see how "normal" life could be for people that strike me as "abnormal".... in the good way. 

There isn't the magic pill, spell, or action that makes life as a true Christian any easier. In fact, I think God knows far too well that it will be even more difficult than if we choose not to be. However, there is some comfort in knowing that there will be disagreements, crying children, frustrating bills and animals..... yet even in the midst of all of that... God is still there in the center, holding it together for us. 

Matthew 6:33 was brought up a few times during my visit. It's a scripture that has multiple meanings and applications, but to me, this weekend, it was about worry. It states to "seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you." It says that there's no need to worry, because God has already provided for us, when He took our sins... When we became man and went through everything that we went through... so that we wouldn't have to worry. It's still difficult to make that conscious decision to put down the worry, and to pick up the Word. And to have total faith in God's timing and not my own. 
This is really a test of being able to put my own priorities, and timelines aside, for the betterment of myself, my family, and of those around me, if I'm able to proceed toward Him, and His Glory, and His timing. His plan WILL WORK!!! But, only if you allow yourself to be placed fully in it without trying to change the puzzle piece that you've become. 

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