Sunday, January 11, 2015

Light of the World.

Sometimes there are days I feel I'm doing really good..... then it's like the enemy decides to ruin all my fun! I was feeling so good today.. then realized how my spending habits are going to..again...put me in a bind... ugh. Being an adult kinda stinks sometimes. There are definitely days I yearn for the years of the past when I really didn't have any thing to worry about. But what fun is it if you never grow up? So, for now, I'll be a few days behind... but I've got my budget written for my next check, and I know I can do this.... I've done it before. But it's almost as if when I became single again, I didn't have to worry about budgets anymore?? LOL Where did that mentality come from?? If anything, the opposite is the truth! So here I am, finding myself slipping slowly into a self pity party... seeing how many times I haven't got it right, how much I'm not where I want to be, with whom I want to be with, not doing the things I want to do.

But that isn't the point is it? Today in church a great point was taught.... "Is your lantern lit?" When going through these low points in life, is your light still shining? Are you the city on a hill in the world of darkness? I know there are days that I'm not. And I'm working on making sure that my lantern is full, and my wick is lit. Christ was the light to the world, then he said, "You are the light of the world"- Matthew 5:14.

It is true that even the darkest of nights cannot hide a single, small light. But when lights come together, they are even brighter, reaching even further into the dark night. Some days I may need help to get my lantern may be dim some days,  but I will do everything I can to help you light your lantern. You can't give, what you don't have... So I'm making it my goal to make sure that I'm always prepared.... that I'm not sleeping when the master comes back in the night.

Thanks for reading. Have a wonderful week, and let your little light shine :)

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