Saturday, September 28, 2013


I hate it when I get these feelings of inadequacy just flooding into my heart. Today as I was getting Jackie ready for a birthday party, I just thought about how few clothes she has that fit her well, that aren't stained to all get out. It might have been that all the clothes i thought about her wearing were dirty... who knows... it just made me feel as though I'm not able to really provide for her the way I want to. I'm scared about this new job and us being able to make it on our own. I know that we can.... a budget proves that we can.. .but I just have to stick to it which is really hard to do.... even after having practice. Being able to get used to a new pay schedule, and seeing how little room there is to make a mistake makes it very daunting. I just hope I'm able to succeed. I also get scared of tithing and giving, because I'm afraid we won't have enough... but then how many have less than we do?? I'm i sooo poor that i have a cell phone, with internet on it at that??? or that I have a home I can run A/C and heat in?? I know there are people who are worse off than I, but it doesn't get rid of that nagging feeling.

I pray for peace for the moment, and for trusting in god's promise.

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