Sunday, September 22, 2013

Where's my sunshine?

Feeling pretty down at the moment. So many things going on in such a short amount of time. Starting my new job full time tomorrow with all the anxiety and expectations that go with it....realizing the change from a job I've have for almost 7 years....not knowing where my future lies with certain people in my life...and feeling like there needs to be a plan made sometime in the next hour is causing there to be havoc in my soul. I want/need a fresh start in my life...and yes I've had that to a certain degree, but I feel that I need it from scratch. New location,  new job, just me and jackie. But there are so many things that would have to be done to do that....few of which wouldn't cause a complete uproar in my life as its already feeling like its topsey turvey. Life has a funny way of making you slow down when you want to race, and vice versa. 

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