Thursday, October 24, 2013
a little discomfort, and a lot of prayer
Today is also a tough day because Jackie's half sister will be born. The last few weeks have been tough because there hasn't really been a ton of communication going on. I feel like more and more we (mostly she) gets pushed to the side and almost forgotten. And I can't help but be furious about it. However, it's not my place to be. All I can do is be the best mom I know how to be, and to show that little bundle of excitement and joy that I love her no matter what. That is the very least I hope she gets from me. I pray for my heart to be healed of the hurt, but it feels like the wound is reopened often. I pray I can get past my personal feelings and focus on what a beautiful gift I get to spend my time with. I'm sad because she's not been invited to share in other's happy times also.
I pray for God to show me how he can work through me for good. I'm feeling a calling coming to me, but am again unsure of how to go about it. Or how to start's so different, and I need to make sure all my ducks are at least close to a line before I make large moves in our lives.
Thats all for now really. I hope you all have a great weekend.
Friday, October 11, 2013
ready.... set....
I've been living in a prison of fear. You know.. that place where you know you need to move but you can't make your feet go...I would break down in tears, because I was so moved, yet I couldn't let myself get hurt again.. or fail jackie yet again. I was in a prison within my own heart. I've been doing better about reading the word, and also starting to trust god the way that I should, and that he's deserving of. I've been hurt, and I don't want to hurt again. I've got to allow god to break down the wall around my heart and show me what love looks like.. so that I can recognize it in myself, and in others. I feel like there's a swelling of affection to give.. and too many times before I've been willing to give it away so easily.. and that's been something that has hurt me. So as hard as it is to withhold what I feel I need to give away so freely, I think I might have to. Or figure out in me what the difference is between showing love to others, and receiving what I feel is love from others.
I feel I've been lacking in my life and there's this large urge to "do" something about it. I don't know what it'll look like... and to be honest I'm scared... I'm scared of being hurt, of being disappointed, of being let down... of failing... of messing it up again. But I can only try. I can only pray, and do what I feel god is telling me to do. I hope you all have a good weekend and let god bless you in his way, which is more than you can even imagine possible.
Saturday, September 28, 2013
I pray for peace for the moment, and for trusting in god's promise.
Thursday, September 26, 2013'll be better
Some things in life never get easier.....especially when it deals with a broken heart
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Where's my sunshine?
Feeling pretty down at the moment. So many things going on in such a short amount of time. Starting my new job full time tomorrow with all the anxiety and expectations that go with it....realizing the change from a job I've have for almost 7 years....not knowing where my future lies with certain people in my life...and feeling like there needs to be a plan made sometime in the next hour is causing there to be havoc in my soul. I want/need a fresh start in my life...and yes I've had that to a certain degree, but I feel that I need it from scratch. New location, new job, just me and jackie. But there are so many things that would have to be done to do that....few of which wouldn't cause a complete uproar in my life as its already feeling like its topsey turvey. Life has a funny way of making you slow down when you want to race, and vice versa.
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Tis the season for change.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Just one of them days.
Sunday, August 25, 2013
cloudy...with a chance of rain
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Friendships, fakes, and boundaries
I'm frustrated, tired, worn down, and ready for a change. I can't ask people to change for me. I want to find those who are ready to have an integral part of a friendship that can be truly rewarding. Guess I'll have to keep my head down, and my heart with the boundary fence around it so that I can keep at bay the fakes, and only let in those who are ready.
Boundaries hurt, because they come from wanting to protect ourselves by keeping something in/out. In the last few years of my life, I've really put up many boundaries. From wanting to protect myself from the hurt of losing my grandma... to losing my husband and not wanting to trust others enough to let them in. and all the scenarios in between. It takes so much to take down a boundary that has been built with such force. When I realize how much I've been keeping myself from because of these boundaries, it gets discouraging, because I don't know if I can ever open up enough to let everyone see who I truly am. Brick by Brick, I try to take down the wall... but yet, then again.. different ones get put up because i get disappointed by others. Granted, I'd much rather have a few really close friends than a million acquaintances. I just feel very lonely at this point in my life. So many lives are so busy that we just forget to communicate, and to show each other that we care, other than a few notes on Facebook, or a text here and there.
I think it's time to turn around from where we are as a whole. To change our family tree from where it is growing... you know.. "the grass is always greener where you water it" kind of thing. I want to change where I'm watering my grass.
- I'm getting my family out of debt. From my own debt, to others in my family.... I want them to see how buying with cash on hand is better than the 0% down, life of servitude to the master (lender).
- I want to truly communicate with those around me. Not be socially awkward because I can't hold a conversation with a person face to face. Time to work on that.
- I'm going to continue to be the friend I want others to be for me. I may not see progress super fast, but hopefully this will bring about those who want to be a friend to me.
Sunday, August 18, 2013
emotional desert..... check
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Sunday, July 28, 2013
This is where I begin...
Firstly.. I believe in One God. One that created the universe, and creatures within it. One that has a compassionate heart, because He loves his creation.
I believe that Jesus is the savior that has created a new covenant between people and God, and it is because of him that I have the opportunity to go to heaven; if i choose to live by God's word.
I believe that there are circumstances which can only be explained by intervention of a divine power.
That there is such a thing as evolution-- on a micro level. I do not think we came from apes, fish or any other animal; but that we've changed over millions of years to become the creatures we are today on the smaller scale; such as how our teeth have changed, how our skin changes based on where we are in the world, and how resiliant our bodies are to change in environment.
Genetics has a role in disease, but more so does environmental factors, such as food, work and air we breathe and pollute.
I think that so many misunderstandings in the "church" are causing people to be driven away. As the people of God, we shouldn't be fighting over how communion is done, but how we are going to spread the word of Christ to the people who haven't heard of him.
You can listen to any music you want, and still hold true to your beliefs.
I believe that our time on earth is limited... there's not reincarnation, or other lives that we need to strive to be better for.
That you can drink, smoke have tattoos and still be a useful child of god.
I believe that social rights and religious freedoms have been confused for far too long. So in that aspect... I do not support gay marriage, as I think it should be a covenant between the two people and God.. and God has written that it is not to be between two of the same sex. However, as far as social rights, like benefits, power of attorney, etc., I have no problem with... we should be able to choose who has these priveledges over our lives when the time comes.
I disagree with my own divorce. I don't think that I should have had to go through with it, based on our situation. However, both parties needed to be on the same page, and we weren't. I went for the divorce to protect my child and myself.
That other religions, belief systems have their role that they fill... all religions do.... they try to explain the "why" of our existence. Some make you work for your salvation, or reward... others do not.. Some of these cultures are truly beautiful. Yes... i said it... They are beautiful. However, that doesn't mean that I have given up everything I believe in.
Science has its place. Humans have minds that are exponentially full of potential. We only use 10% of the available "space". Science only explains the "how" of the world, and our surroundings. It still can't describe Love, hate, or other feelings beyond a synapse in the brain and hormones that are released. We still have a long way to go, and I'm very pro-science.
Just as two people can compromise on major life decisions, so can people be with someone who doesn't believe the same ideas that they do. I feel it can broaden our horizons. Open our eyes to something we may not have been aware of before.
I believe in living a simple life. I'm trying to work my way towards that everyday... simplifying, getting back to natural products, remedies, and food. I don't want man made chemicals running my life, making me sicker and lazier than I already am.
In the end, I think being "good people" is where a majority of our responsibility lies. Being there for your neighbor; being the person you want others to be to you; showing compassion and grace when it is least expected of you.
I do not think that my work is done. It isn't only about these things, but these are some biggies I feel affect us all. I hope these make sense and my reasonings are coherent. I have so much to learn in my new journey, and how I want Jackie to grow up. My hope is that I can present her with the most accurate information and let her choose what she believes in.
Hope everyone has a good Sunday.
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Welcome to the new 'normal'
There's so much that is to be learned from this new season of life. Mostly....that in some ways my life will always be connected to his...and unfortunately, money is one of those ways....right now I'm very frustrated having to be dealing with things that are shared responsibilities, on a singular level....and in reality, I will always have to be prepared for being solely responsible. It stinks to be honest....but like I said, this is a new normal.
Thankfully I have a few things coming my way that will help significantly in the amount I owe others, so that I might be more readily prepared.
I'm sorry this post is more on the sadder part of my new life, but it is what is most concerning at the moment. Tomorrow will be better and I can't let my worry steal that away from me.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Beginnings, Ends, and Middles
I hope that I can use this opportunity to show Jackie how a strong woman would act, and react to hardships, and how leaning on Christ can pull you through anything that is thrown at you. For it is strictly because Him, that I am really at peace, in a way that I would have never understood before. Of course I have my ups and downs, get frustrated, and angry. But then I'm reminded that in all reality, in spirituality, I truly am in a better place than I have ever been. I hope that my friends and family continue being the wonderful people that they are, allowing me to use their shoulders to cry on; but also that they allow me to return their favors, and let me help bring them up now that this chapter is closing.
Hopefully in a few weeks I'll be able to write another post about closure, with a perspective buyer for the house we used to live in. It'll be hard looking at it as someone else's home from now on, but I'll always have the memories that were made there.
I'll Leave you with a song, that was sung tonight, and it really went with the Word that we read. It was about the parable of the dinner party, where people were invited to this extravagant dinner, yet when they were told to come- they all made excuses that were obviously made just to get out of the party. So, the host gathered any and everyone else they could find to fill their home...stating that those originally invited would not taste of the feast to be had. It made me think... how many times to we make excuses? and we know they aren't valid reasons... whether its spiritually, with exercise, with food, work, money... We as people need to start taking responsibility and become accountable. But after that scripture "Your Love Never Fails" was sung and it almost made it sting a little more... Even though we make excuses as to why we do or don't do something... God's love will never fail us.. He will always be there, holding the lamp that will light the way to come back to him.
Nothing can separate
Even if I ran away
Your love never fails
I know I still make mistakes
But You have new mercies for me everyday
Your love never fails
You stay the same through the ages
Your love never changes
There may be pain in the night but joy comes in the morning
And when the oceans rage
I don't have to be afraid
Because I know that You love me
Your love never fails
Verse 2:
The wind is strong and the water's deep
But I'm not alone here in these open seas
Cause Your love never fails
The chasm is far too wide
I never thought I'd reach the other side
But Your love never fails
You make all things work together for my good
More lyrics:
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Somethin's comin.....somethin' good...
Sometimes it's almost comical how God can work in our lives.
Just yesterday I asked for prayer from a friend because I can feel myself starting a "depression" swing, things start irritating me more, I feel very isolated from everyone, including those closest to me, and I can't seem to get a grip on the most mundane things of life. Well, I also prayed... asking for someone to reach out... and lo and behold...not even 30 minutes later, a friend I haven't talked to in awhile, messaged me... it took me a minute to realize that I had in front of me an answered prayer! The fact it took me that long to realize it seems silly. But it was a physical "thing" I needed, from God... and He provided, with no hesitation.
Sometimes it's still dumbfounding to think that things like that happen. That prayers do get answered... even if not in our time... mine, fortunately was..but not all of them happen that quickly.
I just wanted to take a minute to tell you all my story, and to encourage you to not forget that there is always someone there who loves you more than anything, who cares about what's troubling you. If you need a friend, I'm here. My heart is open, and I'll give you as much as you need.
"For those to whom love is a stranger, may they find in you most generous friends"
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Just an update.
Work is... :) There's always opportunities, just need to wait for the right one. Frustrations are continuing while I try to compensate for other schedules. Sometimes I feel so bad that Jackie is having to spend so much time with others because of our schedules. But then again, it's necessary. Hopefully it'll change soon, and we won't have to worry about it nearly as much.
Jackie is continuously growing and expanding her knowledge everyday, sometimes I feel as though I can't keep up with her! Our next big step is to try potty training again in a few weeks... she's showing more signs that she's ready, so hopefully it'll be better this time. :) She's speaking in sentences and shows me everyday how she takes after me and my stubborness :)
I'm still struggling with how I want to tackle this ministry that I feel has been laid on my heart. I'm hoping to spend some more time soon looking at how logistics would work, and who we can help soon!! I've also become very hard on myself to do better with what we have, so that we can succeed and be a happy family. It's going to be a tough road, but I know it is well worth the battle to get there.
Finally, I'm also looking into a new gym that allows for kids, and classes, and is still very affordable. It would give me the availability to get back into weights, and feel better about myself... I. Can. Not. Wait. :) Many many opportunities, and so many things to be excited about, I can only hope that I can contain myself :) I have so many things to be thankful for, and I don't say thank you nearly enough. Sometimes I feel bad, because I continue to say thanks to those who I feel I'm endebted to... but it never seem to be enough. I hope these people know the true gratitude I have for them being in my life.
Thank God for friends, family and taking care of my every need. Now to continue to become more of the person God sees me as, and less of what the world sees me as.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Know your place... betcha it's not what you think.
Just something that is on my mind today as I pray myself for clarity in where He is leading me.
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Recoup time!
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
An epiphany...of sorts...
I think that personally this is the area I struggle the most. It's become more of a habit to ask for forgiveness because I don't want the consequences, but to truly turn away is something I still feel bogs me down everyday.
Today I was reminded that God doesn't always answer our prayers in the ways that we want them answered, but in the end, He always has a plan that is so much more than we could ever imagine. It's been a difficult 6+ months not really understanding why my life took the turns that it did both in my marriage and my family... But I have a feeling some of it was to see where my heart was (to show myself), to show somewhat where the path of Christ was in relation to where my walk had taken me, and to show me how things don't always go as planned.
I had gone WAAAYYY off path from where I thought my life was. In a short 6 months, I could almost feel my spirit take a turn... life in general just wasn't the same. But I think that once you're aware of the Spirit of Christ, there's always a little piece of you that hangs on, no matter how far away you might go from the path of your faith journey. That little piece of the Spirit is still within me, and I'm hungering again for more knowledge and how to better be a follower of Christ as well as a person who can show Christ's love for me in my everyday life.
So, I suppose my prayer and request from anyone who reads this, is that you continue to encourage those around you to lead a life of Christ, but also beware of where you are in your own journey. It may seem that everything is falling apart, but it may be that God is just putting the pieces where they need to go so that they fit into His puzzle rather than our own.
Saturday, May 25, 2013 there anybody out there?
In other news,things are starting to gear up for summer. I've decided to run a 1/2 marathon in October... I start training Monday. I'm excited to see if I can finish this goal, to say that I've done something just for me. It's been awhile since I've ran, let along anything of measurable distance, but I'm excited to get on track with something like this. I'm trying to keep Jackie and I busy with trips to the park, and fun things to do outside. I want her to grow up knowing the fun we had versus the stress we had. I love that little girl to pieces!!
That's about all there is for today... I'll update once I finish that first training run!! HAHA
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Trying to find myself
I'm also struggling to find myself... and who I am in Christ. Finding the balance between needing the relationships with my friends, the relationship I have with Christ, which needs to grow, and how to deal with the amount of affection I feel for people in general. It's almost like I have a loving and helping people. Monetarily, this isn't happening anymore, simply because I can't bring myself to trust that it'll be ok, when the budget shows $3 at the end of the month, without tithing... But also to show people how I love them.. how I want so badly to help... and all I can do is sit. Searching for the open door is difficult, but I hope I find it soon.
That's really all there is right now. With spring/summer here, it's been nice to get out with jackie, and have her play outside. Hope we get to do it more often. Next on the calendar is self defense class and a trip to indiana to see family. I can't wait. :)
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
I get knocked down... but I get up again.....
We hear this all to often, especially when it comes to having success in the business place. But, don't you think that this is also true in our personal lives? When it comes to our relationships with Christ, I can't tell you how often I've been knocked down. It seems as though as I gain one step forward, there's always something pushing it's way at me to knock me back... but I keep the knowlege that there's something worth fighting for. I may not know what it is, or understand it, but there is something there. God has a purpose for us all, and I'm sure if I knew what was supposed to happen, I wouldn't do it due to fear or simply not understanding God's will in my life. But, the fight is still there to gain more knowledge about my God, about the one who so graciously gave his life before I was ever thought of. There's a constant struggle in the 18'' between my head and my heart. Very rarely it seems we are on the same page, and this is where the most constant struggle seems to be. I think once I'm able to set my head and my heart on the same path, it will be easier to to fight against those forces trying to push me back.
So for now, it comes down to remembering that God has a plan for all of us (Jer. 29:11), and that we would surely mess it up if we knew all that was planned for our lives. It comes to down to trust, which I admittingly have trouble with. I hope I can count on those close to me to help me trust in God's will so that I might be used so that His glory is spread throughout the world.
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Failures, Cycles, and other ramblings.
I noticed today how very empty I feel sometimes. Feeling as though because the major relationship in my life has been destroyed, that I wonder sometimes how real am I in my other relationships, with everybody. Obviously I'm not talking about some deep secret I have that no one knows about, but, more so the feeling of am I portraying who I really am? Even to my closest friends? Do they know my struggles enough to be able to be there to help hold me? Am I a good enough friend to be there for them when they need me? I hope the answer is yes to either question. But I know for some the answer is no.
I struggle with being the woman I know God has made me to be. I struggle to be in the Word... and I struggle to show Jackie who God is and how to have a relationship with him. It's almost like I expect her to be like the song; being a 4-year old who wants to do everything I do, and talks to God like she's talking to a friend, by watching how I do things. If I went by how things are now, that will not be the case. But it is up to me to change that.
I need friends to stand by me and guide me along the way. However, I think that I tend to lean too much on their guidance, especially when it comes to faith. I'm afraid of failure... of showing everyone else how to believe while failing to do it right myself. Failure is something that I think plagues everyone in their life, at different times. It's how we overcome it to get past it. I hope that someday I don't fear failure anymore, but I more look forward to the journey I take to get to my ultimate destination.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
It's different now... but it will be so much better!
If you haven't guessed, my husband of almost 4 years and I have decided to split, and no longer work on our marriage. Two weeks after this decision was made, we was in a relationship with another woman, who is now pregnant with his child, due 2 weeks before Jackie's birthday. This information was so hard to comprehend, and swallow when first told that I think I was in such a dark place, I hardly remember it. It was very hard for me not to blame God for my position... but more so, not to continue to blame myself for failures, and being in the position I was in. Then....something happened!!
I went to our usual Wednesday night service, and God was DEFINITELY moving! It wasn't so much the message but the music that God used that day to remind me of the love that He has for all of us. The devotionals that I had picked back up were so uplifting, and reminded me that even in our failures, even in our stumbling, God is there! It wasn't until that point that I truly felt peace in my heart. I thought I had overcome other issues of our relationship being over, but in reality, I wasn't. But after that day... God gave my heart and my mind peace. Even to this day, when issues arise, It still hurts... so much of my life was invested in the relationship we had... but then, a wave of peace that is so much bigger swells up, and I'm at rest again.
And now, here I am again... in a place where my soul is stirring... God is up to something... I can almost feel it. The only thing I get disappointed about is the fact I don't know the direction. I get the feeling that there is SO MUCH MORE!! But where do I start digging to get there? His Word is touching me more and more every time I read it which is an amazing feeling to have. Then I feel like there needs to be work done... then my mind puts up a big stop sign saying... "WHOA!!! WAIT A MINUTE!!! Works do not get you into heaven you silly girl!"
The message yesterday was about works... do we still try to gain "heaven points" so we can earn positions as "God's Children". It reminded me that I can't focus on what I can and can't do in the church because that isn't what it's about... It's about spreading God's love to the WORLD and showing those that never knew him the incredible, undeserving love and grace He offers.
If I had my way, I'd be doing mission work somewhere in a far corner of the globe, surrounded by children and elderly of some unknown tribe... hearing stories, and sharing how God loves them so. How will I get there? I don't have that down just yet. But my first goal is to show Jackie the one true love that she will always, always have in her life... The love of her God! Even a parent's love for their child cannot engulf the love that is displayed between God and His Children! The forgiveness, grace, and mercy that we all get everyday is incomparable in our finite view of the world. I can only hope that one day, Jackie sees me as a Woman of God, A strong mother, and a caring heart.
There's much love in this heart of mine to be given. I don't know why, but it seems as though I could give my whole life to others, and still feel as though I have more to give. And perhaps it is this level of affection that I desire for myself, even if I have a hard time showing this love, the feeling is immense when it is there. One day God will show me way His plan is for me to go. And hopefully, this time, I won't screw it up too much! I'm a work in progress, we all are. We must see ourselves for who we are, but also for who God has called us to be. I'm working on the calling part... where do you stand?
Monday, March 25, 2013
Isn't it amazing?
I can only pray that God protect my family, and show him the error of his ways.. show him where his heart needs to be.
Thats all for now. Off to enjoy the weather by cuddling, staying warm and having hot cocoa! :)
Sunday, March 17, 2013
What do I say to the woman who is currently with my spouse that I'm divorcing? How do I keep cordial with the person who has the very thing that I don't want to let go? Even though I know it's almost impossible to change the situation we're in, there's always a part of my heart that will crave the family that was there once. That will be hurt to see another in my place. I can only hope for myself and for my daughter that we are able to find a person who is loving, passionate and caring enough to both of us to give us the life we deserve; that we desire to have. I hope that person is out there somewhere.... waiting patiently to be found.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
When it rains.....
And then to say that I'm still his best friend?? WHAT!?!?!? Where was our friendship when we were trying to work on our marriage? Where was it when I tried to tell him that we needed to change something because things weren't the same as they always were? I'm tired of holding on to hope that this will one day be restored... and he says he's tired of carrying what we had? Meaning what? The image of a life together still? Or of the arguments stemming from hurt of a broken heart after 7 years of total devotion?
Something's got to give. I can only hope that my friends understand my severity in leaning onto them during this time... It's taking so much to make myself continue to live a life worth living with my baby girl and not just curl up on the couch in such a total depression that nothing gets done.
Is any of this irrational? I certainly hope not. And I hope it doesn't take half the amount of time as the relationship to get over this hurt. I just hope that somehow, I can let God heal my heart and block any further pain from this whole situation.
Monday, March 4, 2013
Whoa boy...
I don't know why I thought it would be different than it is. I thought I was over the hurt, the pain, the mishaps in the past 7 years. But, I guess deep down, I was still clinging to the slightest bit of hope that things would turn around. That something would happen to either of us to say this isn't what either of us want, and something could be changed. However, that is not the case. It hurts so much to say that I am now "separated", that eventually I will be "divorced" and I will be continuing in the role of a single mother. That's not to say that he doesn't ever see our child... he still watches her everyday while I'm at work. But in the end, it is I who bears the responsibility of raising our child.
After thinking over the last several months in my head... it makes me wonder if things were ever meant to be reconciled...if we ever really wanted it, if we got married for the right reasons, if the love that we shared was even real, if the love I knew was even real. It was exposed during a counsel session that it was barely 6 months into our relationship that he felt our relationship change... it makes me feel as though the whole rest of our marriage was a fake; which hurts because that is when we conceived our beautiful daughter.
I don't like this feeling of being alone. I feel like I've sacrificed much to be able to give others what they dreamed of. I have few friends, but the ones I have are amazing... but in the end I can't go running to everyone else to share my hurt, they have their own lives to be concerned with. But I think what hurts the most is the fact that though while my emotions may have been withering in the last weeks of our fleeting relationship, to know that he is already in a relationship with someone else, that started a mere few weeks after we made the decision not to stay together was like another stab to the heart with a searing knife. Salt in the wound. A reminder that I wasn't able to fix what was wrong with us. I'm a fixer, that's what I do, and knowing I failed hurts... I'm trying not to put all the responsibility on myself, but I can only know what I did/did not do...
I can't continue to cling onto hope that is no longer there, and I'm continuously trying to remind myself that there must be something better that God is trying to show me. I can only hope that my heart holds on long enough.
The one thing I can thank this newest news for is allowing me to cry when I haven't been able to over the course of losing my husband, two cats, and finally my grandma. I've hated the fact that I was so built up behind a wall to protect myself that I couldn't even cry with all the loss... but now I can, and of course I can't control it.
So, I suppose, here is to moving on, moving forward, and embracing the future of my beautiful daughter, doing the best I can to make her into a child of God, showing her the truly unconditional love of Jesus.