Monday, May 16, 2011

I'm Back!

Ok, so sorry for the unintended hiatus, life has just been busy!!!

Jacqueline is probably the most amazing thing I've ever seen! It is so awesome to see her learn and figure out her "life challenges" haha! If only life stayed that simple! Josh has completed his EMT training, and is in the process of finding out his grade on the practical so he could take the written test. I'm so proud of him for his accomplishments! I am only 3 semesters away from graduation (finally!) and I am loving trying to figure out where I want my career to take me.

I'm so excited that we are taking a trip over Memorial Weekend so that Josh and I can have some R&R, and Josh's family will be able to spend some much needed time with Jackie.

I'm also excited that we are getting a young adult fellowship going at church. Our church as lacked anything for 18-40 year olds ever since I can remember. It will be nice to be able to grow relationships with other people our age, that know where we are in our faith journey, and perhaps we can even learn from each other. I know we are going to try and start an online bible study for those of us that can't be at church during traditional times, and I think that will be awesome since I haven't been able to be at church for almost 6 months now... and my schedule is so sketchy...

So here's looking forward to our faith journey, and our first summer as a larger family!!

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