Saturday, May 21, 2011

New Beginning

Well, here I am, at the start of a new beginning yet again. This past week I had a few down days that really got to me. My self destructive mind was at work, and I really got down about how I feel about my appearance, my overall health, and what the future holds for me. So what do I do? I go to a weight loss center, sign up, spend WAY too much money... and continue to be overwhelmed by the overall cost of what this plan means for my family and myself. But, alas, I have made a decision to improve my health and it starts with a baby step. I've joined Slim4Life, and I'm hoping that this will help me kickstart a new lifestyle that will continue into the future. It is a little difficult trying to menu plan and not make the rest of the family go on the diet as well, but I think we can do it if we plan, plan, plan.

I'm also looking at a new beginning in my career. I've looked to start a career using my degree, which would be good considering how much I've invested in it! I've applied for positions I know that I'm not qualified for, but at least it gets my foot in the door, and I can see where it leads me. I'm trying to be rational and not make any huge decisions before I know everything is taken care of, but I think it could be interesting where I end up.

Sooo...I'm praying alot, asking for guidance, and trying to talk out as much of my experience as possible, so I can get feedback, and see if I'm even thinking on the right track. I know somethings make sense in my head, but as soon as I say it I think, "how dumb is that?"
Here's to my new beginnings, all of them, and hoping to land as much on my feet as possible.

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