Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Back to reality

So last weekend we went on our first true family vacation. It was to Springfield to see family, but nonetheless, it was a vacation. Jackie did really well, and I'm surprised how well I did staying realatively close to my "diet plan". It was great to sleep in, stay up late, and have other people to help watch Jackie ;). I was able to go shooting with Josh and our uncle Jason. It was great to get to feel comfortable with at least one may only be a .22, but it's better than nothing. I also feel much more confident about being able to hit a target now! :) I can't wait until July when we head back for a fish fry and fun at our Nanny's house!! :) It's so great to be able to get together with family.

It was brought up that Josh may look for EMT work down in Springfield once he gets his license. I would LOVE to move down there...just a slower pace to life that isn't nearly as frantic as it is up here. I would hate moving away from family, but we'd be moving closer to family too. This has led me to have many questions on my heart, as I need guidance to make such large decisions...especially now that Jackie is a part of our lives. It isn't just Josh and I, but at least she isn't in school yet..

I've also gone through and put away winter items, and cleaned out Jacqueline's dresser. It feels like a weight is lifted each time we clean out our clothes. I feel especially good about being able to donate so many items.. especially baby clothes that will be able to help someone that wasn't as fortunate as I was/am.

I hope everyone had a safe and happy Memorial Day weekend, and hope that the weeks to come bring great joy to your heart and life! :)

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