Friday, July 29, 2011

lots happening

Thank God for Rain!! It was so nice to get up this morning and not feel as though I was going to have a heat stroke at 630!!!

I found out yesterday that one of my good friends has been admitted to Barnes Jewish Hospital in St. Louis. She is at the top of the transplant list. It breaks my heart to know she is going through this, but at the same time I'm glad it happened now, when she has a wonderful loving husband that is strong in the Word, and is a faithful friend and spouse. So, if you pray, please do. If not, please just think positive thoughts for her and her family.

On a little lighter note, Josh and I are so excited that we will once again be fighting our way through our debt, on our way to becomming debt free. Because of Murphy showing up last month, our savings was cleaned out, but soon that will be replenished, and we can tackle this thing with true intensity. Hopefully this time we will be able to get some good ground covered! I hope everyone has had a good week!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

The rivers water is alive!

I can feel the movement.....

So, we've had a few moments the last few weeks, but what has been great is that I can feel God's movement through our lives to help us, and to take care of us. We've been trying to get our savings back up, and then Josh's car breaks down. But, the weird thing is, is that the last several weeks have opened up availability to do overtime like crazy at my work and also at Josh's. So, after thinking it would take us the whole 30 days of July and ALL of our savings to be able to pay for the repair, it only took us 14 days,and we still have money left in our savings acccount.
We will be going through a tight spot for the next month or so, but this is ok, because in the end, we'll be making more than we do now, and, we won't be having to pay for daycare.. so its like 2 payraises in 1!!! :) I like that sales pitch!!

I've been saying for awhile now that I've felt the need to find something more in my spiritual life. I've had this craving for more, and I just haven't been able to find what it is...
But I've started attending an "I am 2nd" class, which is great fellowship and time to open up and see how God has really affected people that are my age, going through things that I have/am/could be going through and perserverance of faith through all trials. I still need to still read "Radical" but I just haven't got that far yet.

I hope everyone has a great weekend! :)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

This road leads.....where?

Today I've been really thinking about how much I'm struggling spiritually. Struggling to feel satisfied with where I'm at in my spiritual journey, and how it always feels as though I am not complete. My family is wonderful, and I'm so thankful for job and school opportunities, but I don't feel as though I'm doing enough in the world, and I definitely don't think that I'm of the correct mindset to feel as though my spiritual cup is full. I feel that I need more involvement in something that reaches further than my nook of the world, and does something for the greater good, whether its saving some kid in the city from hunger, or gives someone a chance to turn their life around. it doesn't need to be big, I just need to do something!! I feel as though God's presence is moving all around me and I'm missing out, because I don't feel as though I'm involved in anyway.

Don't get me wrong, I feel and see God's blessings in my life, but I just feel as if there is something more. I need a spirit buddy per se. Someone that can test my faith, so that I learn how do defend it more readily, and learn how to bring others to the realization that life is not about the RELIGION... its about SPIRITUALITY. It's about how you live your life. Religion is just overrun with politics that have no place when dealing with God.

Just the thoughts of the day... I hope everyone has a good week. :)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Still Here....

Sorry I've been absent for awhile. I don't mean to neglect the blogosphere, however, I have more pressing things to deal with sometimes.

Onward-- well, things were looking up for Josh and I, as we were on our way to living off of a zero based budget, getting our savings back to where it should be, and moving forward in our professional lives. Then the car broke down. Murphy decided to move in... but we've already served an eviction notice. We had 1/2 the money to pay for the car, so we decided to fix it, even though the repair was more than the car was worth. We at least know whats wrong with this car, unlike buying a $1000 car off the street. The good thing is, is that we've both been working overtime, and the 4th of July holiday, so this is an extra income month. Basically, we'll still have a little in savings after this is all over, and we're good.

Josh got is EMT certification, and is looking to at least get some experience under his belt before deciding to move into EMT full time. best to look out for the family first.

I have been having good, but slow luck on me tackling of my health issues. I'm doing better at watching what I eat, and how much. I still need to do some work on getting myself moving again, but overall, I'm close to my Pre-Preggo weight, and then after that, I still have a ways to go... so gotta keep it steady.

I hope all is well with the rest of the world... Now its off to finish the 2nd half of my 1st 12 hour shift this week. :)